Skipping - heart - Workshop

Report on the wolves' and foxes' skipping heart workshop As part of their PE lessons, the pupils in the wolves' and foxes' classes learnt about rope skipping - or rope [...]

Autumn - KIKO

Autumn is here! Quickly the first weeks of the new school year are over again and the autumn holidays begin. All the children and adults at the Hundertwasser School once again enjoyed the Autumn Kiko [...]

Workshop >>JUMBO<<

Workshop >>JUMBO<< The lions and dragons participated in a workshop of the workshop team on 24.08.2023. The "Workshop Team" was invited to the Hundertwasser School. The topic [...]

Enrolment 2023

Enrolment 2023 On Tuesday, 08 August, we welcomed 8 new first graders with their parents, grandparents and other family members to the Hundertwasser School. A celebration took place in the forum [...]

Farewell Class 4 and Summer Kiko

Farewell Class 4 and Summer Kiko How quickly the school year passed...and suddenly graduation day was on the calendar. Thus, the fourth graders of the wolves and foxes and their families were welcomed in the school garden at [...]

Parents - Cafè

Parents' Café in the School Garden At the request of the parents from the school conference, a first café was held in the school garden today, Monday 12.06.2023. With summer temperatures, some drinks and a few [...]

Dalmatian bitch Frida

Christina Schaaf (team leader of the STB) and Frida started the human-dog team training this year. The Dalmatian bitch supports the team once a week. 

Easter egg hunt in the school garden

Seek and ye shall find 🙂 During the Easter break, the children had a lot of fun looking for Easter eggs in the school garden. There were plenty of hiding places 😀 Here are a few of them 🙂

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