Project UE - Digital

Project UE - Digital

The UE - Digital qualification programme is designed for a total period of 18 months, during which schools will have the opportunity to take part in workshops, modules and building blocks that build on each other in terms of content and time. The qualification programme starts in February 2024.

To participate in the UE - Digital training programme, the schools form "professional learning communities" of 3-6 people per school and a "leadership group" of 3-5 people. Both groups should make a joint contribution to school and teaching development in their school and receive support from the project through UE - Digital:

The professional learning communities receive five full-day modules, the leadership group four full-day and one half-day module. In addition, there are two half-day workshops in which both groups work together on their school vision.

The cooperation project "School and digital education" is safeguarded in the committees of the education region, such as the steering committee.


Planning ideas for realisation in the Hundertwasser school:

At the Hundertwasser School, the project will initially be implemented in years 3 and 4. The summer KIKO is to be planned and implemented as an interdisciplinary project by pupils (SuS) in the Wolf and Fox classes during lessons. There will be different working groups responsible for the different elements of the KIKO. Some pupils will be responsible for choosing the songs for the KIKO, others will write the presentation cards. Some pupils will be responsible for buying birthday presents. The aim of this project is to maximise the children's participation. The project will be supervised and evaluated by teachers from the professional learning community.

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