Easter KIKO

Easter KIKO with families and friends! Finally, our Easter KIKO could take place again with parents and friends! So the Forum was very well filled for the Easter KIKO and even additional stools had to be [...]

OH, HOW BEAUTIFUL IS PANAMA... was the motto in the forum of the Hundertwasser School today. The "TROTZ -ALLEDEM - THEATER" from Bielefeld was a guest and performed the play "Oh, how beautiful is [...]
Disco at the HWS

Attention: "The Red Horse" in the Forum! Due to the fact that the Hundertwasser School had a long weekend at carnival, on Shrove Monday they celebrated exclusively in the Social Pedagogical Day Care as Superman, Lion and Co. [...]
Christmas KIKO

Advent, Advent - the 4th little light is burning The Christmas holidays are just around the corner and KIKO is finally starting. Fortunately, in the meantime many children and adults were back after the fierce [...]
Happy faces during Santa's visit to the Hundertwasser School

Happy faces at the visit of Father Christmas at the Hundertwasser School Father Christmas was eagerly awaited by the pupils. All classes had prepared for the visit. When knocking on the door [...]
Autumn - KIKO 2022

Zack - the first weeks of school are over again and the autumn holidays are just around the corner. All the children and adults at the Hundertwasser School once again enjoyed the Autumn Kiko with [...]