"I'm going with my lantern..."
"I walk with my lantern..." - Lantern festival at the Hundertwasser School There has been a lot of excitement in the classes over the last few days. Various lanterns were made with the children, songs for [...]
Lions and dragons in the Buntspecht workshop As part of the Kulturstrolche 2023/2024 programme, the dragon and lion classes visited the Buntspecht workshop in Gütersloh to take part in the [...]
Read along! - Project
"Read along" project The 2023/2024 school year starts with a number of changes for all primary schools. Among other things, the state of NRW is encouraging primary schools to prioritise reading and [...]
Skipping - heart - Workshop
Report on the wolves' and foxes' skipping heart workshop As part of their PE lessons, the pupils in the wolves' and foxes' classes learnt about rope skipping - or rope [...]
Autumn - KIKO
Autumn is here! Quickly the first weeks of the new school year are over again and the autumn holidays begin. All the children and adults at the Hundertwasser School once again enjoyed the Autumn Kiko [...]
Workshop >>JUMBO<<
Workshop >>JUMBO<< The lions and dragons participated in a workshop of the workshop team on 24.08.2023. The "Workshop Team" was invited to the Hundertwasser School. The topic [...]
Fun, games and victory - sports festival at the Hundertwasser School-
Fun, Games and Victory - Sports Festival of the Hundertwasser School- Finally, the time had come again: on Thursday, 31.08.2023, we dedicated an entire morning to sports. All pupils, but also the teachers [...]
Enrolment 2023
Enrolment 2023 On Tuesday, 08 August, we welcomed 8 new first graders with their parents, grandparents and other family members to the Hundertwasser School. A celebration took place in the forum [...]
Farewell Class 4 and Summer Kiko
Farewell Class 4 and Summer Kiko How quickly the school year passed...and suddenly graduation day was on the calendar. Thus the fourth graders of the wolves and foxes and their families were welcomed in the school garden at [...]
Traditional friendly football match against the Erich-Kästner School
A clear 5:1 against the Erich - Kästner School As in previous years, a friendly football match took place between the Hundertwasser School and the Erich - Kästner School [...]