Hundertwasser School 2024/2025

The Hundertwasser School 2024/2025 is a special school which, as an open all-day school with a socio-educational focus, provides support for pupils with special educational needs in the area of their emotional and social development. 

   - through intensive, special educational support with special offers as well as

   - through intensive, socio-pedagogical support for the families

organised and carried out in their school. In this way, the Hundertwasser School, as a special school of the district of Gütersloh, currently supports around 63 pupils with special educational needs in the area of their emotional and social development with a team consisting of teachers from the school and social education workers from the open all-day programme with the support of the Family and Social Affairs Department of the City of Gütersloh. The open all-day programme is run as a socio-educational day care (STB) by the SPI Gütersloh e.V. as the project executing agency.

School and youth welfare work hand in hand

Over the years, more and more overlapping areas of joint work have developed in the cooperation between the school teachers and the social pedagogues of the all-day school. Cooperation now takes place in all areas of the school. There is an overall responsibility of all those involved for all pupils, their families and the Hundertwasser School system. Teachers and social pedagogues work together in the homework time of the open all-day school. They conduct all KESS talks together. Both professional groups travel with all pupils once a year to the social training weeks/class trips. The Bauwagen project within the framework of intensive educational measures for pupils whose special educational needs go beyond the usual level is carried out jointly. Regular joint exchange at staff and management level as well as joint concept and team building days are a natural part of this cooperation.

Solution and resource orientation as the basis for joint action

The concept of solution- and resource-oriented communication forms the basis of the joint activities of the school and the social pedagogical day care (STB). All teachers of the school and all social pedagogues of the SPI have received a basic qualification in solution- and resource-oriented communication. All new employees from both areas receive a 2 x 1-day introduction to solution and resource-oriented communication, which is supplemented by practice components reflected on by colleagues. This ensures that all staff members of the school and the STB are always able to carry out individual development planning with the pupils and their families on a professionally sound basis.

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