Friends and supporters of the HWS

The support association

The support association of the Hundertwasser School was founded in the fall of 2008 after intensive preliminary work. The association has set itself the task of planning, realizing and supporting a wide variety of school and extracurricular projects. This commitment is only possible through your membership fees and donations.

The following functions of the association were newly elected at the start of the 2024/2025 school year

1st Chairman: Mr. vom Hofe

2nd Chairwoman: Mrs. Uhlemeyer

Treasurer: Mrs. Voßhenrich

Secretary: Mrs. Ehlentrup

If you are interested in helping us, if you would like to give us suggestions for our work or if you would like to make a donation, please call us at 05241/505273-0 or send us an e-mail. E-mail!

If you are interested in a lunch box (5.00 euros), gym bag (10.00 euros), mug (8.00 euros), cup (10.00 euros) or a baseball cap (12.00 euros), please contact us.


Supporters and sponsors of the Hundertwasser School

Fortunately, the Hundertwasser School receives financial support from several sources in order to promote the pupils beyond the usual level, to support them in their development, but also to be able to integrate great activities into school life.

The savings bank 500 euros enables us to experience recurring theater performances in our forum with professional equipment from the Trotz-Alledem-Theater.

The Volksbank also supports us with an amount of 500 euros to enable the weekly cooking to take place with all the children. The costs for this are covered by both the parents and the Volksbank.

One family from our school was able to make contact with Energy supply in GT. With these 500 euros and the donation from Family vom Hofe 100 euros, it is now easier for us as a school to finance another swimming lane in the current school year 2024/25. Every school year, all classes go to the Wave or the Nordbad to learn how to swim alongside their PE lessons. Many children start with water familiarization and acquire swimming badges from seahorse to gold in the course of their school career at the Hundertwasser School.

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