Skipping - heart - Workshop

Report on skipping - heart- Workshop of the wolves & foxes   As part of their PE lessons, the pupils in the wolf and fox classes practiced rope skipping. With a lot of joy, willingness, stamina and motivation, they practiced the jumps alone with the rope or in pairs. They practiced spectacular jumps and small choreographies. In cooperation with the German Heart Foundation's "skipping hearts" project, an expert in rope skipping visited us on 3.11.23 and put on a great workshop for the pupils. They jumped intensively, practiced, laughed and generally had a lot of fun! The pupils had the opportunity to get to know and practise different jumping techniques at various stations. They jumped alone or with a partner child and practiced diligently to cool music. The fun rope skipping workshop ended with a joint final game. Even after the workshop, the children were still so motivated and enthusiastic that many of them borrowed ropes to continue skipping during the break. 😉 Many thanks to the "skipping hearts" project for a great morning!

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