The instrument: KESS conversations

The KESS talks are the central instrument of joint support and assistance planning between Kchildren-Eparents-Sschool-Ssocial pedagogical day care.

In these discussions, all participants work together on the basis of a solution- and resource-oriented fundamental understanding. They take place at least twice a school year.

  • The focus is on positive aspects, i.e. on existing resources and on current moments of success.
  • This brings the concrete design of action to the fore. Further possibilities for action result from this.
  • From the developed blueprints of the desired future, goals are formulated as follows: 
  • We approach the respective implementation suggestions of the family members openly, curiously and positively.
  • Tasks and responsibilities are distributed according to mutual agreement.

Individual development planning (IEP) at the Hundertwasser School is therefore

Individual Development Planning is developed jointly by families, STB, and school during these KESS meetings.

This results in reflected and coordinated action for the everyday life of those involved. The pedagogical work becomes transparent and verifiable. The active participation of the families in the discussions strengthens their self-perception and self-efficacy.

The joint planning of all those involved also offers the opportunity to uncover resources and solution approaches that have not yet been perceived, in addition to the multi-perspectivity. These approaches are transferred to the concrete level of action, and the goals and agreements reached for this purpose are regularly reviewed and further developed.

Here you can download the flyer KESS Talks.
